The kid…

See this kid? Of course you do, but a lot of people don’t… This is my nephew Kolton Rushford. This kid has seen a rough month, and is struggling with that teenage angst we’ve all felt, and been through. But, this past weekend we had a huge break-through! Kolton and I had a moment, and we worked through it. He came through with a determination, and not your typical, I’m going to go sit and pout and carry on… No, instead, he impressed the entire crew working with us and the 48 Hour Challenge, Crawl for a Cause. 
Kolton had the odds stacked against him, a lot of naysayers, doubters, and haters made it very clear to him, that He couldn’t do this event, let alone finish it, he had no place being there. Well, let me tell you it doesn’t take much to tear a teenager down, and make them feel worthless, but with true Rushford stubborn pride, Kolton stood up to the challenge, and took all negativity on the chin like a champ.
The 48 Hour Challenge was brutal, and it claimed a lot of people that were just there for a few hours. It tried to claim Kolton on our third climb up when he rolled his ankle. Through courage, strength, and pure pride, Kolton finished the third climb up an down. We thought it best that he chill at the bottom, run his rc on the man made course, or just wheel around while he sat, until night, and if he felt better, he could come with us. 
Through the weekend Kolton tried his hardest to make it up and down the mountain, and he could get half way, but the pain in his ankle was just to much to bear. So, he kept manning the base camp, and wheeling his rc fingers to the bone. Then came the final hours of the 48 and we were headed up the mountain one final time to bring this event to it’s final ending. Kolton stood up, and said, “I’m going, I’m not going to miss this last ride”. So with that, up the mountain we went, with a sore and hobbled Kolton. 
We were climbing and came to the point when it was time to head back to base camp, and claim the 48 hours as ours. We turned around and made one final decsent. As we got closer and closer, we could feel the excitement within our little group of four. Our pace quickened, and hearts pounded with excitement. As we crested the final road, about 200 yards, Kolton says, “we should run, let’s run”, and with that, we started running to the finish line and the crowd of people that had gathered to watch us end this event. Kolton lead the way, we followed this young man to the cheering crowd. We crossed the line, and started to celebrate.

After the initial chaos died down, I searched through crowd of people to see what Kolton was doing, through a crack in the chaos I saw Kolton standing there by himself staring at the mountain, he had a look on his face I hadn’t seen before on him. It’s a face I know well, because I make the same one, he had a half a smirk and his eyes squinted at the mountain that laid at his feet before him. He had that, What? I can’t hear you anymore, look. It was smug, defiant, and a little eff youish. I had to go over and hug him, and tell him how proud of him I was. Even though we had a tiff, we both rose above and through it, together. Kolton came into this 48 hour challenge a babyfaced 15yo punk, and came out the other side a 15yo kid with a side of manliness. Not a lot of people can do what Kolton did, and he has every right to be proud of what he accomplished. He may not ever hear the roar of a crowd from sports, or other achievements, but he heard it that day, and that will echo for an eternity in his memories. 

And a side note for you disbieviers, Kolton BROKE his ankle and still finished the 48 RUNNING….. Hang your head up high Kolton. 

So, before you go judging a book by his cover, before you go and project your own insecurity and inadequacies, before you just assume your better than someone, BEFORE you cut my nephew down, just know he’s already defeated the biggest bully in his life, himself. So whatever you THINK you know, you don’t. So just stop. This kid has a heart of gold, and the sweetest disposition I have seen out of the entire Rushford clan.
This kid made history…. 
Love you Kolton,

Uncle Worm


Feeling a little great.. 

I can’t believe that in two days I with three other awesome people, Rob, Randy, and Kolton will be attempting history, while raising money for a great guy fighting a horrible disease. 
I am blown away with the support from my family, friends, sponsors, RC Community, and you! All the comments, shares, financial donations to Marc, and donations to give away at the 48 Hour Challenge. 
If I can just focus for one second on one thing with out to much gripe… We are making history!! That’s kind of cool! Who get’s to say they are making history!? Sure, I know it won’t be on the History Channel some day, but it’s something my kids can look at and be proud of! Something that we did first, our names will be known as the first to do this! Haha 
I’m just excited that in such a short time, we have accomplished so much as an RC Community here in Vermont. It all started from some of my posts on youtube, to what it is today, almost a year and half later.
What could possibly be next after this biblical sized event you ask? Well, let’s just say Rob and I have the wheels turning, and if can do this next event…. Oh man… Legendary status continues.  
So, with two days away, I’m giving an early thank you to EVERYONE that has helped us out and continue to do so!! You are the greatest!!!

Thank you!



How I do Work – Part 2

Event responsibility – The draw – Part 2

In my last blog I talked about the planning of an event. Touched on some very basic ideas, and formations of what to do. I left off on Sponsors, so this blog will be just for that, getting people excited about your event and want to be apart of it, and to get people to come to it.
So in my last blog I talked about ‘Individual’ and ‘Team’ as you plan your event. As an individual doing all the work, this doesn’t really apply to you, but it may if you plan on expanding.
In the team scenario, make sure you have ONE person doing all the contacting, referring, talking, etc etc. Say, Tommy has been talking to Company X and then Billy catches an email, then intercepts on Tommy’s behalf, something, and mostly likly always, something will get lost, confused and you may lose Company X because you have to many people to talk too. I’m not saying you can’t have a team to make decisions, but make sure you only have one voice for the people you’re talking too. Got it? No hope for you if not.. 
Well, how do I get a sponsor?
Ask… It’s that simple. Really? Really. How do you ask is more of what you want to pay attention too. When you contact said sponsor you want to make sure you know what you’re talking about. Make sure your plan is already in motion, and you know what it is your doing. Don’t be like this: Hey Bro, me and my cool rc friends are throwing a party, and want to know if you would like to give us stuff to use, and it would make us look more badass if you did give us stuff. We love your stuff, cuz your stuff is the best stuff… Bad ass man! Hit me back…
Yeah, not so much. So you don’t end up being like that and laughed at, and email deleted try these few steps.
Try these – 
Be professional. 
If you don’t know how, ask someone, or look up professional documents that help you. Nothing works better than being a professional, or at least sound, or read like a professional. 
Be thorough, but not boring. 
Tell them about the event. Where it is. Why you’re holding the event. Who’s the target audience. And why you think that company X should be apart of it. 
Be polite, and respectful.
Use words like, please, thank you. You’d be surprised, a lot of people do not use common courtesy. Entitlement is a disease, don’t get infected by this.
Don’t demand anything. See above sentence.
Thank them for reading you message and for even thinking of being a part of your event. 
Give them something to look at. 
Attach links to where they can see what it is you’re doing. The more you have going on for promotion, the better.
Now, say you got Company X to sign on as a sponsor for your event. One thing you want to make sure of are the details. Sponsors are giving you free stuff to give away, or use, or demo, or whatever, so there is a payback… That’s just the way it works, no matter what style event you are doing. The sponsors want their name associated with what you’re doing, and the recognition of what they did for you.
So it is usually in the agreement between you and Company X as to what you do in return for the donation to your event. It varies with everyone and every event. So, whatever the terms are, you need to follow those terms, very well. Why? That way you can do more with Company X at another time, and Company A or B will see what you did, and will want you to do that for them as well. 
Why sponsors?
A few reasons with out getting into to much details.
1. Sponsors help.
2. People like seeing company names on what you’re doing.
3. Sponsors bring people to your event(s).
4. Helps you become more legit if you’re trying to become something.
5. Less stress.. Sponsors help in a lot of ways, and they make your event easier to manage when they cover certain parts of what you’re doing.
I hope this helps! Planning an event takes a lot of work, dedication, persistence, and the willingness to see it through. But, if you want it, it’ll happen. Maybe not at first, but eventually hard work pays off, and then, you take off! 
Keep up the great work!! Move forward with your plans, and don’t let anyone get in your way!! 

How I do work.

Event planning – The plan Part 1

I just wanted to explain something, a few things need to be shared with some that just don’t get it, or don’t understand how events go, or for the ones that want to know how to do events.
I have been doing events for about four years. I have held some, promotional events, fundraisers, competitions, RC events, etc etc. I’m still learning, still pushing, and I thought I’d share my limited experience with you. Why am I doing this? There are some people, who don’t get it, maybe have a misconception on reality, and what really has to happen. Others have asked what I do? How I do it? Where can they get started? So this is for anyone who wants to know!
Most of what I do can be applied to most events that you may want to do, from casual to business. 
I’ll break down certain things as ‘Individual’ or ‘team’ for certain steps. 
Individual means you’re doing this event yourself.
Team means, there’s a few of you doing this event.
To start: 
Everything starts with an idea.
Individually – 
Form that idea into reality by thinking, dreaming, living the idea(s) so it forms into one solid idea. The best events, are the ones you think about, work through, and decide on. 
A team –
Take all the idea’s, bounce them around, pick out the ones you like, and start forming around those you have decided on, and pick them apart until you have one solid idea. Teams, make sure you surround yourselves with, thinkers, givers, and that they have a willingness to compromise. Nothing tears an event/business apart faster than pride, misunderstanding, and greed. 
So now you have the idea, the “event” the; This will be AWESOME! You’re ready to start, you are going live with your idea. 
You have the idea, Now what? Everyone’s application is different, but this is what I do. I use these steps and work, build, and launch my idea. Put the plan in motion so to speak.
Place – Where can I do this?
I’ll take my RC back ground and share that with you. When I plan an RC comp, I need a place to go, a place that will accommodate the amount of people coming, i need parking. I need amenities, I need a place to drive RC’s, I need a place for camping for the long weekend.
I have been lucky and been able to most of my comps on private land. For those that don’t have that option, you’ll need to find the appropriate channels to go through for use of public land. Mostly through hearings, and voting will you be allowed or not.
Date –
Once I have the spot on the board, and 100% committed, I decide on a date. Now this is where you want to pay special attention. For whatever event you’re doing, RC, fundraiser, party, etc etc make sure you don’t double book locally. What I mean by this is, if someone is doing an RC event on xx/xx/2015 in a few towns over, don’t do your event the same time. It pulls people in several directions, lines are drawn, and friendships strained. So plan when there is no other event going on that is like the event you want to hold yourself.
Rules –
If your event has some type of competition form, you will need rules. This is also part of the initial planning process, and idea forming. You can alway adapt rules from other types of events that are successful and work. Or you can make your own set of rules that are different, stricter, laid back however you want to do that. Total freedom in creativity is an awesome feeling. My suggestion is once you feel good about the rules, move forward and post them up early so people can prepare, and find the grey area that you didn’t think of. Competitors are always trying to push the edge and get the advantage. It’s up to you as to how far you’ll let them. 
I hope this helps, in the next blog I’ll cover sponsorship in depth, as well, as getting help, and the legality of your event(s). Covering your back, as well as the people coming to your event.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps!! Get that idea formed, and move forward!!

It’s official©

I could NOT be more pumped than I am right now! I’m in bed, not that I can sleep with all this exciting stuff going on! The 48 Hour Challenge / Crawl for a Cause is gaining speed!
Today I officially announced Axial Racings involvement in this adventure! Axial Racing is providing the RC’s to the 4 man team. The new Casey Currie, RTR Jeep Wrangler’s arrived today, and they are sooooo sweet! 
Axial Racing is the OFFICIAL RC if the 48 Hour Challenge.
That’s not all though. Axial Racing is not the only manufacturer, or company to step on for this 48 hour challenge. We’ll start with who signed on first. 
The OFFICIAL tire of the 48 Hour Challenge: 
Pitbull Tires aka @pitbullrcx on Instagram signed on First. These tires in my opinion are the best tires for our team, and to use! Alien Technology has put them on top of the dog pile for years, and they are still seen as the underdogs, and that’s just how we like it here at Radio Controlled East Coast. 
The OFFICIAL battery of the 48 Hour Challenge.
Next to sign on was Venom Racing/Atomik motors. These guys saw and read about how passionate we were about this event, and realized that they were going to help us achieve our 48 hour goal. They sent us 10000mah 2S 25C Batteries to use. Average run time, 5 hours. 
CKRC Crawlers is the OFFICIAL online hobby store of the 48 Hour Challenge. 
We had CKRC Crawlers on board the entire time, as CKRC supports what I do personally and professionally. Jason and Shane do some awesome things for the rc community and once CKRC caught wind (I may have sent that wind to them) of what I was doing, they were on board. They are outfitting the RC’s with real world type accessories, winches, bead locks, scale stuff etc. CKRC is the only place I do my online rc shopping!
The OFFICIAL hardware of the 48 Hour Challenge.
And the latest company to sign on is Team KNK Hardware! Mike and Amberley Kirby are amazing people doing amazing things! They were all over this event, and outfitting our RC’s with the best stainless steel hardware you can get in the RC world! We are super pumped to have them on board!
We also want to say thank you to our associate sponsors!
Bull Rope RC – The official Tow Strap of the 48 Hour Challenge
JCM RC Custom – The OFFICIAL custom work designer of the 48 Hour Challenge. 
Soul Crusher Graphics – The OFFICIAL graphics designer of the 48 Hour Challenge.
Woodchuck RC – The OFFICIAL bad ass dude that supports the RC Community!!
Vermont Scale RC – The OFFICIAL, official of the 48 Hour Challenge!! 
With all these awesome companies and friends supporting the 48 Hour Challenge Crawl for a Cause, let’s not forget the reason we are doing this. Cancer awareness is our main focus, and to raise money for a fellow rc’er and friend Marc Breer. We still have our Relay for life team and we will still do the walk a thon in late June, but our focus is here, in our own community, for our friend. 
So, come see us at one of the Radio Controlled East Coast events and support the cause, the friend, the cancer community and rc community. 
Thanks for all your help!

Why I love RC. 

Why do I love RC’ing so much?

I get asked by a lot of non-rc’ers why I like rcing so much, and several other types of questions like:
What redeemable value is there? Why do you do or go to all these events? Can you make money from it? What life lessons are you learning from this? What is the purpose? Don’t you feel stupid when other adults see you play with toys? And the list goes on. I won’t answer every question directly here, but hopefully give you some clarity and reasoning.
I am by nature a very active person. My motor has been running on high octane since I was a little guy. From rocking my crib to the window, and flipping outside to go play, to riding BMX like a motorcycle. I’ve done all the extreme sports, skateboarding, inline skating, snowboarding, skiing, down hill mountain biking, I was an athlete, and a machine. I never stopped, and I LOVE the outdoors, from hiking, snowshoeing, climbing, running, hunting, off-roading and just walking. I never stopped. Which made me very passionate with whatever I was in love with doing in that moment in time. 
I’ve always been into rc’ing, every since I knew what tires were. So, naturally I rc’d as often as I could, and could afford. Hell, I bought an RC on my honeymoon! Haha
Now that I’m older, and my body, mostly my knees, can not handle those activities anymore. I also realize I need to save my knees for my driving job at UPS, which is a physical job. So, with that being said, I can’t do those things that I love so much, because it hurts, a lot. I’m not going to lie, I get tore up emotionally when I see a beautiful powder morning, or a cool fall day to skate, or  anything for that matter. I have fallen into a bit of depression about if I’m being honest. 
Insert Remote Control’s. This is what has happened. I’ve transitioned into rc as my full blown hobby. Not having a bunch of other stuff to do, has really allowed me to commit to this hobby. Why? It’s low impact on my body, I get to build, work, design, and use everything that encompasses RC. I still get that community of like minded-people that are into what I’m doing as they are doing the same thing. I can still conquer crazy things, just ones that don’t destroy my old ass. 
Why do I love RC? Because it’s the next chapter in my life that fits who I am, and what I can do. I’m passionate enough for 10 people. I get to help others learn, progress, and push, as well as keep others guessing as to what’s coming next. A wise man (Brian Parker) coined a phrase, G6 Life Style, and for me it is an RC Life Style and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The amount of people I’ve met and befriended has become immeasurable, and I’ve only just begun. 
If you think for one second that this RC adventure is actually about me, then you truly don’t know me, and I hope you put down your rock, and come hang out with me.
Much Respect to everyone who has helped me, supported me, and continue to do so. I hope to return the favors, as well as pay it forward. 
Yes, I do Love my RC’s and everything that comes with it. 