RC’s and Bullying

Is that even a thing?? Yes, unfortunately… I’m gonna dive right in here, no warm-up story, no back story, just to the meat.

Bullying has no place in ANYTHING we do, but it happens. No need to list all the environments, because it’s everywhere and in everything we do. So, I’m just focusing on our scene, our community of RC’s is what I’m talking about.

It’s hard to build a community of like-minded people and be successful. Small towns to big cities, RC is everywhere, and it ranges from young to retired. There is no age limit, no “type” of person that can be boxed into RC. So the range of bulling can come in many forms, from face to face, keyboard warriors, bigger companies to littler companies, drivers, builders, outsiders, etc..

People say it’s apart of life, or it builds character, or that’s just someone blowing off steam, etc these are just no longer acceptable to me. I have been on the short side of the Bullying, and it sucks. The emotional and physical abuse takes its toll on people, and victims react differently, we all know the stories or have been there personally.

Now, in my little hobby of rcing I see this going on, and I can’t believe my eyes and or ears as to what’s going on. I had to deal with a real POS on Instagram, and I exposed him for what he really was. But, some people defended him, saying, “he is funny” or “he was clearly joking” etc… To me, that is weak.. It’s ok to stand up and say, Oh hell no!!

With that, I’m already very aware of the rc scene and how divided it is and it honestly bothers me, a lot.. Why? I never thought I’d see people say things “I’m all done with rc” or “so much drama in rc” etc. it goes on and on. The reasons are sound, and legit for feeling that way. I’ve seen texts, private messages, saying things to these individuals that are pretty ridiculous.

What should you do? I know it’s hard, but try not to take it personally. Clearly these “bullies” are after you for a reason, whatever that is. Also, look at who it’s coming from. Just know they are sad little people that really just need a hug. Really though, it’s just a mind-set, if you allow them to get to you, then they win. If they are spreading bad mojo about you, let them, and let people that don’t know you, think what they want. You have friends and family that care about you, and really that’s all that matters.

Business’s getting bullied by other businesses? This is what you do. Let them do the talking. They threaten you with any type of mail, message, pm, dm etc, save it… Screen shot it.. So when people come asking, you can show them what you’re dealing with. There’s nothing better than slicing a giant down with his own words, silent justice.

On a personal note, I’m here for you. Sometimes, all you want or need is advice and or help, and not a lot of people are willing or wanting to get involved. That’s not in my DNA, as I try and help as many people I can in any way. So, you can reach me through any of my social media facets for any help. I’ll try my hardest to help, or get you directed to someone who can.

Also, it’s ok to tell someone you’re getting bullied. Victims won’t say anything because of the fear of ridicule from others, the shame a victim feels is real, and can lead one to a worse place. Just know, I’ve been there, and I’m here now to help when no one was there to help me.

Just my thoughts, and I hope this helps at least one person in my life time. I’m an advocate for standing up for your life, and taking back what you’ve lost. Some may scoff at this, others that know this feeling or have been associated with it, will know exactly what I’m talking about.

So stand with me, and let’s move forward and remove this fungus from our scenes. Take a look at what we are doing, and can we change it?

Thanks for reading,

@vermont_scale_rc on Instagram

It never ends!! And I love it!

I just recently received a micro Losi Trail Trekker for my birthday, and I must say, it was quite a surprise! I have wanted one of these little guys since the day they were released! Other projects took precedence, as they often do, so the micro got pushed back in my mind, until now!

I immediately charged the battery! I wanted to see what this little bad boy could do! I have seen a lot of pictures of these micro’s but never any video.

Once I knew the battery was charged, I threw the plugs together, and searched for the on/off switch. It was mounted on the ESC upside down, under the chassis. I sigh with frustration as I try to jam my sausage finger up into the chassis trying to flip the switch on. Once I move the little black lever, the front wheels snapped straigh and the little beast came to life. I grinned like I just got the Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.

I set it down on the table, grabbed the gigantic controller, in contrast to the micro that is, and squeezed the throttle slowly to see if the trail trekker was a true crawler, and it moved ever so slightly with a little pull of the throttle. It was over after that. I was climbing everything on the table, remotes, books, clothes, pens, etc.. It was AWESOME!! I couldn’t believe how well this thing was climbing and moving around all the obstacles. First impressions are everything, and I must say, I was hooked from first pull.

Now fast forward two days, it is in a semi-transformation! Do we ever leave well enough alone??? NEVER! I decided to dig out all my old model kits I used to build and see if I could find one that would fit. I tried all the bodies I had, Bronco, Scout, 93 F150, 88 Blazer etc.. I settled on an 80’s Chevy short bed single cab. The length was perfect, and half of the parts I would need from the model kit were already painted. Score one for the lazy painter!

After finishing up all the other painting details, I could now install all the body accessories to complete the new body. A new cab interior went in, I also chopped the cab floorboards to fit over the front shock towers that are molded into the chassis and it set the body lower on the chassis.

As I finish up this project, I am already looking forward to starting my next project! This hobby has so many exciting avenues to take, and I believe we all have room, and free range on what we want to do. So, don’t hold back, build, create, and show the world what you can build!!!

Trevor Rushford
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