Don’t walk away!!

I can see why people get out of rc because of other people ruining it for them. Some people know me, some think they know me, then, there is my family. My family supports me, encourages me, and push me to keep going. Then there’s the ones that know me. They support me, encourage me, and push me, and treat me as an equal. Then there’s the ones that think they know me. They tear me down, make fun of me, try and push me into a role I’m not comfortable with, be malicious, say snide remarks, rip on my sponsors, rip on my friends and their rigs, lie to my face, stab me in the back like cowards, and try and goat me into being competitive, and even make me defensive over the products I use, who I support, don’t support, and they have an opinion on everything, and I mean everything. These people are what’s wrong with RC, and most other things in life.

You obviously see that two are awesome, the third is a real douche. I’ve talked to many, and I do mean many people that leave the rc scene because of the third type. So I do my best to tell them that not every person with a remote in their hand is God’s gift to RC. Every opinion is everyone’s right to have, but when people try and force their opinion as fact, that is when it becomes a problem. 
This is the type of stuff that, A. Drive people away from the hobby. B. Keep people from coming into the hobby. Which both suck in my opinion. Unfortunately, like everything else in life we have to learn to cope/deal/put up with these types of people that just have nothing better to do, than to pick apart everything you do. So, it becomes frustrating, lonely, angry and any other emotion that drives one away.
I’ve RC’d for my entire life, and it comes clear to me more and more that some people try and create that high school mentality with what they do, clicks, losers, jocks, geeks, etc etc. It’s weird, and I for one don’t like it. Do I think we should all hold hands and sing happy songs together? No, but we don’t need to slaughter each other either. Respect goes a long way in life, and we should practice it here in our rc community. 
What do we gain in the end of all of it? Do you want that trophy? Do you want that recognition for all your hard work? Are you just a bully that likes to make people feel like crap? It’s not like you’re going to get super rich from doing this rc thing. Here’s a tip if that’s what you think, stop being an ass to everyone, or your new found love for money will go no where as NO ONE will support you. Just some commonsense thinking. 
Me? I just love playing with my RC’s and meeting new people. I like wheeling sick lines with friends, getting people hooked on an addiction that doesn’t kill, and learning how to be a better person. There is a lot you can achieve, especially when you’re surrounded by friends, and an rc community that isn’t built upon greed, jealousy, and oneupmanship. Yes, we drive and push each other in a healthy way that doesn’t make the new and old RC’ers upset, and or feel worthless with what they build or how they drive. Who am I to be an authority on how someone should build or play with their toys?! 
I’m moving forward, and I was trying to be “PC” about stuff, but all it does is blow up in my face. If you have a problem with me, or who I wheel with, move on, or we can talk, there really doesn’t need to be this childish behavior, especially with the adults of RC. 
To everyone I’ve met, hung out with, competed with, and rc’d with. Thank you!! You are the ones that keep this hobby fun. Respect to everyone that does this for the right reasons, and supports their scene, and everyone in it. I met some awesome people locally, and out of state that feel the same way as me… So, let’s be the change, let’s make an actual difference in the way we act towards our fellow RC’ers, and rise above the ankle biters that step on necks to get ahead. 