The Recon G6 Experience.

This is a 3 part story on my adventure to the first ever Recon G6 on the East Coast. I hope you enjoy the story.

Part 1 –
Getting there is half the battle:

The morning exchange.

“HUUURRRRUYYY UUUUUP!!” I screamed. “Are you in a hurry to sit in a car for 8hrs?” Sunny replied. “YES!!” I kept on. “Stop yelling at me you freak!” She said annoyed. This was the morning of our trip to Rausch Creek Pennsylvania for the first ever Recon G6 on the East Coast. What’s a Recon G6 you ask? Well, it’s only one of the premier Remote Control events around for Scale RC’s!! “COOOOMMMEEE ONNNNNN!!” I screamed just to annoy her some more.

What do you want from me?!? I was pumped for this event! We had an 8 hour drive ahead of us, and I wanted to be in Pennsylvania before dark. I hate getting to an event, the day before, running around like a spaz, trying to figure out where to go, what to do, have to fight traffic, and all that crap. So I decided I want to be there by Thursday. My wife decided that going about an hour out, wouldn’t be a bad idea. I fought it, but as usual, she was right.

We finished packing up, grabbed out dog Blackbeary, locked the doors to the house, I made sure I had Hateful, my new bpchassis Bronco build. Once I triple checked the list and decided I had everything, I shut the trunk, took a selfie, and got in the car. Sunny drove first, I knew I’d be to busy with my social media, texts, and checking the clock every two seconds to drive. The first part of the trip went well, I took over driving duties, snapped open my first 16oz Redbull and continued on.

We arrived in Frackville Pennsylvania seven hours later, yes, seven from my drive way in Vermont to Rodeway Inn in Frackville. When we arrived we were greeted to police cars, and officers surrounding the door to the entrance. Sunny and I looked at each other, we both were like, uhhh… After Sunny got our room, lucky 13, we watched the officers walk over to our section of the motel. 10, 11, they kept walking, and the numbers only went up to 14. 12, 13, stops at 14. They knocked on the door with a billy club. I’m thinking, I don’t want to leave my rc’s in this car. Not that we should leave, not that maybe this is dangerous for my wife, not that we might get shot, nope, gotta save my rc cars!

The gentleman opened his door and started talking to the officers. He was rather big, 6 foot something, beefy, and marked up with some what I assume were prison tattoos. I say this because no self respecting tattoo artist would offer claim to these beauties. We heard the officers and gentleman laugh, so we knew the scenario was safe. We got into the motel room, unpacked a little bit, then decided to have dinner.
We started to get hungry, so Sunny looked up places to eat around us. We settled on a place called Maroons Sports Bare and Grill. That was by far the best food choice of the weekend. I saw chicken wings, and I was sold. I got Honey BBQ, and they were one of the best wings I’ve ever had. The sauce was so delicious, and the wings were cooked to perfection!! After out bellies were full, we headed back to the motel for a night of G6 dreaming and television and crappy wifi.

With as about much sleep as anyone on 40oz of Redbull could get, I was up, eaaaaarly and fidgeted in bed for about an hour until Sunny finally realized I wasn’t going to settle down. Was I really that bad? She glared a little bit at me as she went to take a shower. I looked at Blackbeary and smiled an evil smile. She laid her head back down on the pillow as to say she wasn’t impressed either. I told her we could put her in the pound if she’d rather.

We decided to hit up a local spot called Dutch House for breakfast. I didn’t care, as long as it had coffee. The place was quick with their food and check. Twenty minutes tops and we were back on the road, headed to the famous Rausch Creek!

When we rolled up the Mollystown road, I saw the big white sign that indicated we arrived at our destination. When we took that right onto the dirt road you were smacked right in your eye-line with HUGE rock formations poking out from behind the fence and buildings.

After figuring out where to se t up camp, we unloaded in to A6. Set up base camp, pop-up, and got the rc’s out and we waited as all the other competitor’s trickle in. Met some awesome people, ad we all talked about what to expect.

Right around two or three o’clock I heard a somewhat familiar gruff voice coming from the dusty parking lot. I peak my head out and see a man wearing a bright orange shirt, and olive drab kilt, I knee right then and there it was THE Brian Parker. The creator of the Recon G6, and in tow was his boy Anthony Rivas, and some guy I did not know.

So, instead of being a super lame ass, I refrained from running over to them as they were talking to the other G6’ers. I watched them talk, and laugh, and I was worse than a creeper in the bushes watching people. Sunny said, “hey, creeper, why don’t you calm down, and just go say hi.” I looked at her like I’d rather throw her off a ledge… Into some water of course.

Finally they worked their way down to us and I finally got to meet the infamous Brian Parker, aka @drivnmf on Instagram. He was super excited, very energetic, and a blast to hang with. You know there’s always someone you instantly feel comfortable with, Brian is one of those people. Anthony, aka @rivas_concepts was quiet and pretty focused on getting to the Porto-potty. Ya know, those west coast flights might make you a bit ready for the bath room.

Brian, Anthony and their friend Daniel, headed out to get some food and meet up with Desmond Mooney.

They came back a few hours later with Desmond and his Daughter. Desmond was not at all what I expected. He is a very intimidating guy at first sight with all his head tattoos, height, and general tough guy look. He was a teddy bear. Not sure he would want that secret out there, but he was so kind, and soft spoken that it threw me for a loop. Super nice, easy to talk to and funny!! His daughter who he calls Bear, was a sweetie, and loved Blackbeary and held her for a little while in the back of their minivan while Des and I talked RC. Yeah, I instantly called him Des like we’ve been boys our whole life.

Brian and crew mapped out the course, for a few hours, and then just like that, they were gone, only to be seen again tomorrow morning at G-Central. The night? We on a little fun run on the rocks, hung out, and I locked the keys in the trunk of the car at about two am…. Needless to say, A fellow G6’er came to my rescue with triple a, and about four am a flat bed showed up, unlocked the car, set off the car alarm, dug through the back seat into the trunk looking for the keys…. Was it time for bed?? I think so. Two hours of sleep, that plenty for a G6, right????









Make your own trail.

I love blogging, but I haven’t blogged nearly as often as I would like due to the nature of how busy I am. Not complaining, just the opposite, I’m very happy and blessed to be as busy as I am. So taking full advantage of sitting here on this Motel in Pennsylvania, so I’m going to BLOG!

This weekend marks a turning point in my rc life, as I am about to go to one of the most sought after comps in scale rc. It may be no big deal for some, but for me, this is 24 years in the making. From my first real hobby grade rc, the Tamiya Blackfoot at 15 to the fully custom built BPChassis scaler I am wheeling Saturday September 13th. I have raced everything, bashed everything, hell I was scaling my Tamiya Toyota pre-runner back in the day. Locked diffs, horrible steering, short travel suspension, but I wheeled the crap out of that thing.

I’ve done a lot of things in my life like, music, skating, and other stuff. I’ve also been at the top of all those other things, but I’ll save those for another story. All those other things don’t hold a candle to the passion and fun I have for this hobby.

Yes I get great enjoyment from building, creating, and figuring out the builds, hell I even laugh at the stuff I break in a fit of 4 year old child rage, after… For me, what some may not know, I really love rc’s and what other people create; From mild to wild. I get excited seeing what people create from scaling, to racing, to bashing. Our hobby is so vast and what people come up with is pretty awesome. Of course you have “those” people who dump on others and their builds. Why? I have no idea. People lose sight as to why they got into the hobby, someone has to start somewhere, and not everyone will or can build rc’s. There is always someone better, faster, more creative, and that’s ok.

I’ve been doing this for a while now, and I couldn’t be more excited than I have ever been. I get to meet legends in the rc scene this weekend. Trendsetters, crazy custom builders, and everyone else that comes to this event to participate or even watch.

I have been scaling rc’s for about 5 years, and I have been alone for 4 of them. That’s how much I love this!! I’d charge up the batteries, and go away for a few hours and come back with tons of pics and video. Not much has changed. Haha

This hobby has lead me to many places, but now, it has me in a running lane of epicness! We started a few things here in Vermont for competitions called Ultimate Scale Challenge, and we have only been doing this since April, and it has flourished and become something quite exciting! So we will keep moving forward with that and striving to be the best we can be for everyone that attends our events!

2015 plans are through the roof, and we will be bringing USC events and crew closer to you, in other states! As well as so much more.

But I will stop writing now, because I could write all night about how great this hobby is!! But I want to close with this:

Make your own trails. Be yourself, be an artist, be a rebel, be a trendsetter, be whatever it is you feel lead to do! Create that build you’ve been pondering, climb that mountain you’ve been avoiding. Race that track with your truck with no fear, jump that roof you’ve been eyeing every time you walk by it. Just make it happen guys. Make your own trail!

